Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to Write a Resume

 A Resume is an essential document used to introduce yourself, your skills and in obtaining a job in your desired profession. Without a professional Resume it is very difficult for an individual to apply for a job and have any hope in getting it. However, before you begin writing your actual Resume, you need to consider also writing a cover letter, especially in a formal business setting.
When writing a cover letter there are few things  to remember:

  1. Be brief
  2. Demonstrate you meet or exceed the job requirements
  3. Tell of your interest in the position and in the company
  4. Provide some knowledge of the company

After writing your cover letter you can now move on to your Resume! There are many aspects you need to consider when writing a Resume because on average an employer will take about 1-2 minutes looking over your Resume until they move onto the next one. You want to make sure your Resume is the one that will stand out compared to all the rest. In order to do this you have to:

  1. Set Clear Job Objectives - effectively communicate what job you are looking for and what skills and education you can provide.
  2. Be Clear and Concise - any qualifications that are needed in the potential job are what you should include in your Resume.
  3. Use Bullet Points - do not write lengthy paragraphs.
  4. Never Include Dollar Amounts - in your Resume in reference to previous job experience.
  5. Highlight Your Strengths - in relevance to the potential job
  6. Be positive!
  7. Outside Opinion - get a friend or family member to review your resume to provide an objective opinion.
  8. Match the Needs of the Company -be sure to read the job description closely and include all of your skills and qualifications to match.

Luckily with today's resources there are a lot of different ways to make your cover letter and Resume writing less stressful. There are many templates on the web, and on Microsoft Word to help you. There are also many professional organizations that you can hire to help you write the perfect Resume however that will come with a cost.

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