Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to Make Business Presentations

If you've ever sat through a boring presentation you can understand how important it is to make a business presentation inpactful and memorable. In order to do this there are a few steps to take before presenting to make your presentation interesting and memorable

Step 1: Dig Deep - to get your audience interested, find information that will stimulate thoughts and conversation. 

Step 2: Avoid too much Information - Many business presentations are presented on PowerPoint. If this is the case limit the amount of bullet points and slides used in your presentation. Try to edit your presentation to minimize information you don't need  and that would be better stated than written down. 

Step 3: Props - This is not always necessary, however using a few simple props can help emphasis points in your presentation and be used as possible examples and add interest to your presentation.

Step 4: "Minimize You" - Although you are the one giving the presentation and everyone is looking at you, make sure to allow the audience to feel like they are included in the presentation as well. After all, the whole presentation is for them!

Step 5: Be Clear - To have an effective presentation, your audience shouldn't be walking away wondering what you were saying. Use words everyone can understand.

Step 6: Practice - Practicing your presentation before is key to having a successful presentation. You can pick up on points that you need to improve upon, things you may need to be changed. You may even think of ways to get the audiences participation.

Step 7: Eye contact: Having eye contact engages the audience. It's also crucial in demonstrating that you  have a good understanding of the topic and not just reading off of a script or PowerPoint.

Step 8: Transference - If you have to travel for your presentation and cannot bring your laptop, make sure your presentation (if on a USB) can be transferred properly and work on any computer.

All of these steps can be used in making a successful business presentation. Here is a short video reviewing some of the points I have made. I encourage you to use them in your next presentation!

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